Your Automotive Locksmith Company In San Jose CA


What Type of Payment Methods Do We Accept?

We Accept: Cash, Check, & All Major Credit and Debit Cards. Please note: Name on driver license must match form of payment.

What are the dangers of key duplication kiosks? 

Kiosks not always deliver reliable quality; they key they cut may not properly fit your car or lock-which in turn could cause more damage.

Greater dangers are: Key Duplication Kiosks store your information. Kiosks take your address, take your fingerprints, record your face, record your payment methods. All of this poses a serious security threats and personal information comptonization. For example: Who’s to say they won’t use your fingerprints to frame a crime down the road.

Third Party Selling: They sell your information to a third party. These people who obtain your information most certainly may be unlicensed posing even more security risks to you.

Anyone who gains access to your keys (friends, valets, mechanics, thieves, burglars) — can simply take them to a kiosk and make duplicates. If you’ve emailed your code to friends, there’s nothing to prevent them from sharing it with others. Plus there’s always the danger of someone hacking into the kiosks cloud-based kiosk system and stealing your codes.

More than that if a criminal has your key code information a criminal would do anything to complete that crime in harmful ways to you and your family. That alone should be the reason you should not trust key machines with your sensitive security information.

We’re not the only ones that have concerns with this new key duplication kiosk trend.

Check out this CBS news article and video covering all the need to know risks:

Mobile or In-Store? 

We have a shop at 2955 Senter Rd, Unit 60, San Jose, CA, 95111. We recommend to make an appointment before visit. This is due to the emergency and mobile calls that we attend to within the area. We ask that you call beforehand and specifically request to schedule an appointment for in store appointment.

Did You Know? We provide free mobile call outs anywhere within the city of San Jose CA. So, if you are located in San Jose already save yourself the trip and get a free mobile call right out to your location at your own convenience.

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